I'm a liar and a thief
I sit and drink Pennyroyal tea
I'm anemic royalty
I miss that song.
Anyhow....'tis one of the things I did while on holiday...went to a mountain resort spa and treated myself with a whole body Thai massage and some tea afterwards. Naaah...it's not pennyroyal...it was just ginger, I think. Hehe... And while were at it, did you know that pennyroyal teas are supposedly abortive? Mr. Cobain does not believe so though...
Okaaaaaaay......well, its Saturday. What are your plans for the weekend?
that sounds like heaven!
That sounds amazing!
I dont have many plans but I have just found out that there's a vintage fair just round the corner today so I shall indulge myself in it! =)
Bohaa! I'd love to get a proper Thai massage once in my life. Lucky girl, you!
Sounds like bliss. I'm a recent convert to tea drinking. xx
The photos are great! I really like them along with the edits!
Sofia Leo x
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