HAAAAAAPPY NEW DECADE!!! I know my last post was eons ago.....cheeez. Forgive me. :) Life has been good for the last year and what better way to start another? A beach frolic of course! The boy and I went to the cove and spent the entire weekend just lazying around, eating ice popsies and getting doped. Arrrrggh! ha!
Im looking forward to a alot of things this year. A decent camera for one, a healthier lifestyle, more climbs, more beach, more backpacking!
Will catch up you guys soon! Miss you all! :)
Every one of your posts makes me so envious of your life! :) So beautiful and such a perfect way to spend the time :)
Those are definitely things I'm hoping for in my life :)
Happy 2011 cutie x
Happy 2011! You look like you had a brilliant day, you always have the most amazing posts on your blog. Love this! xxx
Great pics, lovely blog :)
these pictures are beautiful dear.
I miss snorkeling. Looks like you guys had great fun! :)
Ah I love these photos. I want to go to the beach :)
Happy New Year! Lovely pics, looks like LOADS of fun! xx
Who needs blogging when you've got a beach like this at your disposal. You lucky gal! Wishing you a fab 2011.
Awesome photos, they make me want to go on an adventure :)
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